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Cyber Audit Office / Ethics Help Line


  • Customers, executives and employees, partners and others can all report.
  • This is the place where unfair requests, irregularities, and corruption related to excecutives and employees are received.
  • This is to inform you that information that is not related to the corruption of employees will not be processed.
  • It is a principle to register your real name, but anonymous is also possible.
  • However, the lack of information and inaccurate reports due to anonymous report may not be conducted or the processing results may not be notified.
  • Please describe as specifically as possible using 5W1H method. (who, when, where, what, and how)

Compliance Violations

  • Unfair business handling and corruption
  • Unreasonable non-business demands
  • Illegal demands in connection with various transactions
  • Others(violation of other ethical codes)

Protection of whistle-blowers

  • No personal information will be disclosed without the whistle-blowers’consent. Making the identity of the whistle-blowers or alluding to their identity is prohibited.
  • We provide protection against retaliation or discrimination in business transactions or from related departments based filing of reports, statements or documents.
  • In accordance with the company's confidentiality and whistleblower protection policy, the identity of the whistleblower and the details of the report will be kept confidential.
  • Measures are taken to ensure that the whistleblower does not suffer any disadvantage as a result of the report.

(Required) Consent to use of personal information

Daewoo E&C collects the minimal required personal information in order to explain procedures regarding the handling of inquires.

Principles on Handling Personal Information and Retention Period
  • Items : Name, Contact, email address
  • Method : Collecting of personal information on the website
  • Basis for retention : consumer protection laws in electronic commerce
  • Retention Period : 3 years
A notice of disagreement
You may disagree with the provision of personal information above, but in this case, you cannot enter the contents of the website, so it is impossible to handle the report

*required input

사이버감사실 실명 제보 내용 입력 테이블
  • ※ If you report anonymously, you may not be investigated or the result of the processing may not be notified.
  • ※ You may not be replied if input inaccurate information.

※ When inputting information, we ask that you be as specific as possible in accordance with the six rules (who, when, where, what, how, why) based on facts.
The investigation may not proceed in the case of unfounded rumors or indecent reports for the purpose of slandering others.

  • ※ jpg,jpeg,gif,png,bmp,doc,docx,hwp,xls,xlsx,zip,pdf,ppt,pptx format only
  • ※ You can upload files up to 5MB in size.